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537 Product Matches
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Client ML - Software Assurance - 1 User - Price Level D - 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
1-Year Sysctrconfigmgrcltml Software Assurance Olv D ACQYR2 Ap Perusr
Microsoft - Service and Support
Manuf part# J5A-00392
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Client ML - Software Assurance - 1 User - Price Level D - 1 Year Acquired Year 3, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
1-Year Sysctrconfigmgrcltml Software Assurance Olv D ACQYR3 Ap Perusr
Manuf part# J5A-00393
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Client ML - Software Assurance - 1 User - Price Level D - 2 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
2-Year Sysctrconfigmgrcltml Software Assurance Olv D ACQYR2 Ap Perusr
Manuf part# J5A-00406
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Client ML - Software Assurance - 1 User - Price Level D - 3 Year Acquired Year 1, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
3-Year Sysctrconfigmgrcltml Software Assurance Olv D ACQYR1 Ap Perusr
Manuf part# J5A-00407
Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager Client ML - Software Assurance - 1 User - 1 Year Acquired Year 1, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
System Center DPM Client ML Single Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year AQY1 Ap Per User
Manuf part# TSC-00718
Microsoft System Center Essentials - Software Assurance - 1 Server - 1 Year Acquired Year 1, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Essen 1-Year System Center Software Assurance Olv NL Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# UCH-00977
System Center Essentials Single Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year AQY1 Ap
Manuf part# UCH-02241
Microsoft System Center Essentials - Software Assurance - 1 Server - 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
System Center Essentials Single Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year AQY2 Ap
Manuf part# UCH-02281
Microsoft System Center Essentials Client Management License - Software Assurance - 1 License - Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Open Value - PC
System Center Essentials Client Management License Single Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year AQY1 Ap
Manuf part# 4PX-01424
Microsoft Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Premium Suite - Subscription License - 1 Device - 1 Month - Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC
Academic Edition Vdipremste Single Language Sub VL Olv NL 12 Month Ap Per Dev
Manuf part# H7D-00002
Microsoft Visio Premium - Software Assurance - 1 License - Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visioprem Single Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year AQY1 Ap
Manuf part# TSD-00615
Microsoft Visio Professional - Software Assurance - 1 PC - 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visio Pro English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y2
Manuf part# D87-02406
Microsoft Visio Professional - Software Assurance - 1 PC - 1 Year Acquired Year 3, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visio Pro English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y3 FP
Manuf part# D87-02405
Microsoft Visio Professional - Software Assurance - 1 PC - 2 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visio Pro English Software Assurance Olv NL 2-Year Acq Y2 FP
Manuf part# D87-02407
Microsoft Visio Standard - Software Assurance - 1 PC - 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visio Standard English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y2
Manuf part# D86-02430
Microsoft Visio Standard - Software Assurance - 1 PC - 1 Year Acquired Year 3, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visio Standard English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y3 FP
Manuf part# D86-02429
Microsoft Visio Standard - Software Assurance - 1 PC - 2 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visio Standard English Software Assurance Olv NL 2-Year Acq Y2 FP
Manuf part# D86-02431
Microsoft Visual Studio Premium Edition with MSDN - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 User - 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value
Vspremwmsdnolv NL 1-Year AQY2 Vsprowmsdn Ap
Manuf part# 9ED-00062
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition with MSDN - 1 User - Price Level D - Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Open Value
Sqlsvrdatactr Single Sasu Olv NL 1-Year AQY2
Manuf part# 77D-00055
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition with MSDN - Software Assurance - 1 User - 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Prodsktpwmdop Alng Licsapk Olv C 1-Year AQY3
Manuf part# 77D-00047
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition with MSDN - Software Assurance - 1 User - Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Vsprowmsdn Alng Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year AQY1 Ap
Manuf part# 77D-00043
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition with MSDN - Software Assurance - 1 User - Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 3 - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Mlang 1-Year Vsprowmsdnsa Olv NL AQY3 Ap
Manuf part# 77D-00051
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition with MSDN - Software Assurance - 1 User - Additional Product, 2 Year Acquired Year 2 - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Microsoft Visualstudioprosubms dn Alllng Software Assurance Olv 1LICENSE Nolevel Additionalproduct 2-Year ACQUIREDYEAR2
Manuf part# 77D-00072
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional Edition with MSDN - Software Assurance - 1 User - Additional Product, 3 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Vsprowmsdn Alng Software Assurance Olv NL 3-Year AQY1 Ap
Manuf part# 77D-00078