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If possible, please base your order on the manufacturer part number. If you are unsure about exactly what you need, please consult the manufacturer's web site at www.microsoft.com or call us at 800-336-1166.
537 Product Matches
Access English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Microsoft - Service and Support
Manuf part# 077-03500
Excel English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 065-04599
Exchange Client Access License English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product Device Client Access License
Manuf part# 381-02260
Exchange Client Access License English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product User Client Access License
Manuf part# 381-02265
Exchange Client Access License English Software Assurance Olv NL 3-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product Device Client Access License
Manuf part# 381-02262
Exchange Client Access License English Software Assurance Olv NL 3-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product User Client Access License
Manuf part# 381-02267
Exchange Server English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 312-03040
Exchange Server English Software Assurance Olv NL 3-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 312-03042
Exchange Server Enterprise English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 395-03284
Exchange Server Enterprise English Software Assurance Olv NL 3-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 395-03286
Exchange Server Enterprise English Software Assurance Step Up Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 395-03281
Manuf part# 395-04142
Manuf part# 312-03714
Forefront Threat Management Gateway Standard Single Licsapk Olv NL 1-Year AQY1 Ap 1PROC
Manuf part# 4WD-00054
Frfrntuagcal Single Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year AQY1 Ap Dvccal
Manuf part# 37D-00006
Frfrntuagcal Single Software Assurance Olv NL 3-Year AQY1 Ap Dvccal
Manuf part# 37D-00061
Microsoft Azure - Subscription License - 1 Server - 1 Month - Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value
Azure Subscription Services - Open Value
Manuf part# 5S2-00002
Microsoft Azure - Subscription License - 1 Server - 1 Month - Price Level E - Additional Product, Academic - Microsoft Open Value Subscription
Azure Subscription Services Level E - Ovses
Manuf part# 5S4-00001
Microsoft Azure - Subscription License - 1 Server - 1 Month - Price Level F - Additional Product, Academic - Microsoft Open Value Subscription
Olv Azuresubssvcopnfclty SHRDSVR Alng Sub VL F 1MTH Acdmc Ap
Manuf part# 5S4-00002
Microsoft Azure DevOps Server - Software Assurance - 1 License, 1 Server - Corporate, 1 Year Acquired Year 1, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visual Stdio Foundation Server English Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year Acq Y1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 125-00313
Microsoft Azure DevOps Server - Software Assurance - 1 License, 1 Server - Corporate, 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visual Studio Foundation Server Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year ACQY2 Additional Product
Manuf part# 125-00314
Microsoft Azure DevOps Server - Software Assurance - 1 License, 1 Server - Corporate, 1 Year Acquired Year 3, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visual Studio Foundation Server Software Assurance Olv NL 1-Year ACQY3
Manuf part# 125-00315
Microsoft Azure DevOps Server - Software Assurance - 1 License, 1 Server - Corporate, 2 Year Acquired Year 2, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visual Studio Foundation Server Software Assurance Olv NL 2-Year ACQY2
Manuf part# 125-00316
Microsoft Azure DevOps Server - Software Assurance - 1 License, 1 Server - Corporate, 3 Year Acquired Year 1, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value - PC
Visual Studio Foundation Server Software Assurance Olv NL 3-Year ACQY1 Additional Product
Manuf part# 125-00317