

New Listing!

EPOS In-Ear Monitoring Headphones Featuring 10MM Dynamic Transducer and Black

EPOS 508940
Volume Discounts
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Manufacturer Part#  508940

UPC Code: 615104348622

Provantage Code:  SEN9839

Condition:  Factory New

Big DealsSatisfaction Guaranteed

ElectronicsAudio ElectronicsHeadphones/Earphones


EPOS 508940 Specifications

    In-Ear Monitoring Headphones Featuring 10MM Dynamic Transducer And Black Detachable 1.3M Cable with 3.5MM Jack. Includes (1) IE 100 Pro Black, (1) 1.3


Considering a Volume Purchase?
You may be able to save even more on your order if you meet the following EPOS BIG DEAL qualifications:

Purchase at least 50 EPOS headsets to qualify.

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EPOS 508940