Up-to-date cyber threat simulation based on real world insight of FortiGuard
Best price and performance traffic generation and security testing system for enterprises and service providers
Flexible operation modes from one standalone device up to 8 devices combined in Test Center mode
Hardware, virtual appliances, and public cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP, OCI and Alibaba)
Server-Class hardware and packet-processing enhancements
Throughput Testing up to 80 Gbps/ 800 Gbps Bi-directional Throughput with Standalone or Test Center mode
Easy and Simple Web UI
Performance Testing and Breach Attack Simulation
Fortinet's FortiTester solution offers enterprise and managed service providers a highly effective and affordable solution to ensure the most SECURE and RESILIENT infrastructure. Continuous validation is the best way to maintain a futureproof and secure infrastructure. FortiTester defines Network Performance Testing and Breach Attack Simulation (BAS) market, where security operations can assess the people, process, and technology on which the security of their organization depends.
Performance Testing and Traffic Generation
HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP/2, UDP Throughput, RFC2544, SSLVPN and IPSEC testing, Traffic enterprise mix generation, and Q-in-Q traffic generation