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6691 Product Matches
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Enterprise, 1 Year Acquired Year 3 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack NL 1-Year AQY3 Enterprise
Microsoft - Software Licenses
Manuf part# KV3-00477
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Enterprise, 2 Year Acquired Year 2 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack NL 2-Year AQY2 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00404
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Enterprise, 3 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Winent Alng Upgrdsapk Olv NL 3-Year AQY1 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00331
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level C - Enterprise, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Winentperdvc Alng Upgrdsapk Olv C 1-Year AQY1 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00472
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, 1 Year Acquired Year 1, Platform - MOLP: Open Value
Winent Alng Upgrdsapk D 1-Year AQY1 PLTFRM
Manuf part# KV3-00343
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, 1 Year Acquired Year 2, Platform - MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 1-Year AQY2 PLTFRM
Manuf part# KV3-00344
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, 1 Year Acquired Year 3, Platform - MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 1-Year AQY3 PLTFRM
Manuf part# KV3-00345
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, 2 Year Acquired Year 2, Platform - MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 2-Year AQY2 PLTFRM
Manuf part# KV3-00297
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, 3 Year Acquired Year 1, Platform - MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 3-Year AQY1 PLTFRM
Manuf part# KV3-00358
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - MOLP: Open Value
Winent Upgrdsapk Olv D 1-Year AQY1 Ap
Manuf part# KV3-00517
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 2 - MOLP: Open Value
Winent Upgrdsapk Olv D 1-Year AQY2 Ap
Manuf part# KV3-00521
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Additional Product, 1 Year Acquired Year 3 - MOLP: Open Value
Winent Upgrdsapk Olv D 1-Year AQY3 Ap
Manuf part# KV3-00525
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Additional Product, 2 Year Acquired Year 2 - MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 2-Year AQY2 Ap
Manuf part# KV3-00295
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Additional Product, 3 Year Acquired Year 1 - MOLP: Open Value
Winent Upgrdsapk Olv D 3-Year AQY1 Ap
Manuf part# KV3-00350
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Enterprise, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Winent Alng Upgrdsapk Olv D 1-Year AQY1 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00527
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Enterprise, 1 Year Acquired Year 2 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 1-Year AQY2 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00528
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Enterprise, 1 Year Acquired Year 3 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 1-Year AQY3 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00549
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Enterprise, 2 Year Acquired Year 2 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 2-Year AQY2 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00296
Microsoft Windows Enterprise - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 License - Price Level D - Government, Enterprise, 3 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, MOLP: Open Value
Olv Upgrade All Language Windows Enterprise Software Assurance Pack D 3-Year AQY1 Enterprise
Manuf part# KV3-00355
Microsoft Windows Pro - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 PC - Platform, Promotional, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Open Value
Wnprsapk Olv NL 1YAQY1 PLTFRMUPTO8 Prmo
Manuf part# FQC-06629
Microsoft Windows Pro - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 PC - Promotional, 1 Year Acquired Year 1, Enterprise - Microsoft Open Value
Winproupgrdsapk Olv NL 1YAQY1UPTO8 PROMO
Manuf part# FQC-06607
Microsoft Windows Professional - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 PC - Additional Product, Promotional, 1 Year Acquired Year 1 - Microsoft Open Value
Winpro Snglsapkolv NL1YAQY1 APUPTO8 Prmo
Manuf part# FQC-06551
Microsoft Windows Professional - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 PC - Additional Product, Promotional, 1 Year Acquired Year 2 - Microsoft Open Value
Winpro Snglolv NL 1YAQY2 APUPTO8 Prmo
Manuf part# FQC-06572
Microsoft Windows Professional - Upgrade & Software Assurance - 1 PC - Price Level E - Annual Fee, Enterprise - Microsoft Open Value Subscription
Windows Profess Upgsv 1LIC Lvle 1-Year
Manuf part# FQC-05371