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Microsoft - Software Licenses

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License, Warranty, Support and Training Matches

Results 5041 – 5064 of 6691

If possible, please base your order on the manufacturer part number. If you are unsure about exactly what you need, please consult the manufacturer's web site at www.microsoft.com or call us at 800-336-1166.

6691 Product Matches

Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 User CAL - Price Level E - Annual Fee, Academic, Platform - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Olv All Language Enterprise Client Access License Sasu E 1-Year Corecal PLTFRM User Client Access License WSVCS

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 76A-00938

Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 User CAL - Price Level E - Annual Fee, Academic, Platform, Up-To-Date (UTD) - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Olv All Language Enterprise Client Access License Sasu E 1-Year Corecal Pltfrmutd User Client Access License WSVCS

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 76A-00964

Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 User CAL - Price Level E - Annual Fee, Academic, Up-To-Date (UTD) - Microsoft Open Value Subscription, Microsoft Open Subscription License (OSL) - PC

Olv All Language Enterprise Client Access License Sasu E 1-Year Corecal Utd User Client Access License WSVCS

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 76A-00999

Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 User CAL - Price Level F - Annual Fee, Academic, Platform - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Olv All Language Enterprise Client Access License Sasu F 1-Year Corecal PLTFRM User Client Access License WSVCS

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 76A-00939

Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 User CAL - Price Level F - Annual Fee, Academic, Platform, Up-To-Date (UTD) - Microsoft Open Value Subscription, Microsoft Open Subscription License (OSL) - PC

Olv All Language Enterprise Client Access License Sasu F 1-Year Corecal Pltfrmutd User Client Access License WSVCS

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 76A-00965

Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite - Step-up License and Software Assurance - 1 User CAL - Price Level F - Annual Fee, Academic, Up-To-Date (UTD) - Microsoft Open Value Subscription, Microsoft Open Subscription License (OSL) - PC

Olv All Language Enterprise Client Access License Sasu F 1-Year Corecal Utd User Client Access License WSVCS

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 76A-01000

Microsoft Enterprise CAL Suite With Services - License - 1 User CAL - Price Level F - Academic, Volume, Platform - Microsoft Open Subscription License (OSL), MOLP: Open Value Subscription - PC

Olv Academic All Language Enterprise Client Access License F Each PLTFRM User Client Access License WSRVCS

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 76A-01207

Microsoft Enterprise Mobility + Security A5 - Step-up Subscription Licence - 1 User - Volume

Enterprise Mob And Security A5FULL SHRDSVR Alng SU MVL Enterprise Mob And SECA3FULL

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# LEM-00003

Microsoft Exchange Hosted Filtering - Subscription License - 1 User - 1 Month - Price Level D - Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Olv Sub Academic Edition Forefront Online PRTCN For Exchange VL D Ap Per User

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 74H-00054

Microsoft Exchange Online - Subscription License - 1 User - 1 Month - Volume - Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Subscription

Academic MVL All Language Exchange Online Shared Server /User Blkberry Faculty

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# UT4-00011

Microsoft Exchange Online Archiving - Subscription License - 1 User - 1 Month - Academic - PC

Fact MVL Academic All Language Sub Exchange Open License Architect For Exchange Open License A Shared VL

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 5WS-00001

Microsoft Exchange Server - License/Software Assurance Pack - License & Software Assurance - 1 Server - Volume - Microsoft Select

Exchange Server License/Software Assurance Pack School Faculty

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 312-02177

Microsoft Exchange Server - License/Software Assurance Pack - License & Software Assurance - 1 User CAL - Volume - Microsoft Select

License/Software Assurance Exchange Client Access License All Language MVL Device Client Access License School Student

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 381-01587

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise - Buy-out fee - 1 Server - Price Level E - Academic, Volume, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 Alng Olv E Each Academic Ap

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 395-04591

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise - Buy-out fee - 1 Server - Price Level F - Academic, Volume, Additional Product - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Exchange Server Enterprise 2019 Alng Olv F Each Academic Ap

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# 395-04592

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise CAL - Buy-out fee - 1 Device CAL - Price Level E - Volume, Academic, CompanyWide Non Platform, Enterprise - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Exchange Enterprise Client Access License 2019 Alng Olv E Each Academic Enterprise DVC Client Access License Wosvcs

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# PGI-00852

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise CAL - Buy-out fee - 1 Device CAL - Price Level F - Volume, Academic, CompanyWide Non Platform, Enterprise - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Exchange Enterprise Client Access License 2019 Alng Olv F Each Academic Enterprise DVC Client Access License Wosvcs

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# PGI-00853

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise CAL - Buy-out fee - 1 Server - 3 Year - Academic, Volume - Microsoft Campus Agreement, Microsoft School Agreement - PC

Exchange Enterprise Client Access License 2019 Alng MVL 3-Year DVC Client Access License Wosrvcs

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# PGI-00913

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise CAL - Buy-out fee - 1 Server - Academic, Volume - Microsoft Campus Agreement, Microsoft School Agreement - PC

Exchange Enterprise Client Access License 2019 Alng MVL 1-Year DVC Client Access License Wosrvcs

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# PGI-00912

Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 Enterprise CAL - Buy-out fee - 1 User CAL - Price Level E - Volume, Academic, CompanyWide Non Platform, Enterprise - Microsoft Open Value Subscription - PC

Exchange Enterprise Client Access License 2019 Alng Olv E Each Academic Enterprise User Client Access License Wosvcs

Microsoft - Software Licenses

Manuf part# PGI-00854

6691 Product Matches
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